Word Revelation


In 2001, God spoke to Prophetess Molly Paneng to usher nations into His presence by preaching His
Word without compromise – John 8:32.

Mountain High Word Revelation Ministries, then known as Praise Valley Ministries, started holding its
church services at a local school with only eight members in Kagiso, Mogale City. During this time God
confirmed His call upon the prophetess' life working with her and confirming the Word by the attesting
signs and miracles that closely accompany (it) – Mark 16:20 This was followed by an increase in the
number of people attending and becoming members of the church.

Her husband Apostle Gilbert Paneng who later joined her in ministry, was used by God to support the
vision of the ministry. Because of God’s Grace upon Apostle Gilbert Paneng he gained favour with men
and introduced the ministry to the local government, high profile people and to other ministers of the
gospel globally.

As the number of members grew exponentially a need arose to seek a much bigger place. A new place in
the form of a local hall, just outside the township, was made available for church services. The ministry
faced many challenges subsequent to this move. The most important of which was a sharp drop in the
number of church membership. This was brought on by the travelling from the township to the new
premises that people had to contend with.

God reminded Prophetess Molly Paneng (our overseer) that she was called to run the ministry from the
township and thereafter the ministry moved back to the township where we continue to experience
the revealed Word of God. This move to the township saw the membership grow again. Bigger premises
were acquired on which a tent was built and this is still our ministry’s home. The church has grown so
big and is still on a growth path.